titolo DICONO DI NOI: Di seguito alcuni attestati di stima dei nostri clienti

DICONO DI NOI (alcuni feed-back ricevuti dai clienti che hanno acquistato da noi - aggiornamento Luglio 2016)


"Sono soddisfatto degli ebook acquistati"
Gian Vincenzo Faravelli

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"Ho acquistato i tre volumi del breviario in italiano. Li sto usando quotidianamente e sono soddisfatto."
Don Giorgio Dall’Oglio

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"Complimenti per la meta raggiunta per il breviario digitale su e-book reader. L'ho scaricato ed è molto comodo."
Don Vittorio Pistore

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"Sono estremamente soddisfatto dei vostri prodotti, sia in termini di qualità che di prezzo al quale sono proposti. L'usabilità é ottima e mi permette di avere sempre a portata di mano la liturgia delle ore, nello stesso formato al quale sono abituato con il libro in formato cartaceo."
Riccardo Casolari

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"Desidero esprimere la mia gratitudine per il Breviario Digitale. Ho voluto attendere qualche mese prima di manifestavi la mia completa soddisfazione per l’Opera. Complimenti vivissimi a tutto lo staff che, immagino, ha fatto tanti sacrifici per progettare e realizzare un’opera che mi consente di avere in mano uno strumento prezioso per la mia preghiera in qualunque luogo o condizione mi trovi. Non vi nascondo che all’inizio di ogni mia giornata (ore 5.30 !) vi ringrazio davanti al Signoree prego per tutti voi. Vi abbraccio con tanto affetto in Cristo Gesù. OREMUS AD INVICEM."
Don Marco Morrone

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"Thank you for the beautiful gift of the Liturgia Horarum e-books to the faithful throughout the Catholic world who pray the Liturgy of the Hours in Latin. For years I was lovingly devoted to my 4-volume Liberia Editrice Vaticano hard copy set that I never thought would leave my side, even for a day, never even imagined the same spiritual experience could be duplicated electronically. But this all changed abruptly several months ago when upon an acquaintance's recommendation I tentatively installed your e-books version on my iPad and glimpsed their gorgeous layout and typography, and the convenient navigability afforded by your ingeniously designed system of links that facilitates jumping back and forth between the ordinary and psalter and the propers of seasons and saints and the commons as readily as with the ribbons in a hardbound book. Most amazing is your achievement somehow in an inexpensive e-book format of the same comfortable look and feel that one experiences with an expensive hard copy volume."
Henry Edwards - Tennessee - USA

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"Ho acquistato il Catechismo già da diversi mesi e l'ho subito caricato sul mio iPad dal quale non mi separo quasi mai. Ho sempre a portata di mano questo bellissimo testo che mi aiuta ad alimentare la mia fede. Ogni sera leggo alcune pagine e rifletto su elementi fondamentali della mia religione che sono tanto semplici e ovvi e da sempre sentiti, tanto che non sono stati mai approfonditi. La Vs. versione digitale mi piace molto e, siccome ho trovato come sottolineare e segnare in diverso modo i passi più significativi, sono molto soddisfatto. Grazie. P.S. Ho acquistato anche il Compendio che conto di utilizzare allo stesso modo. Di nuovo grazie e buon proseguimento del pregevole lavoro."
Roberto Accetta

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Highly Recommended: Breviario digitale
While my old and battered four volumes of the Liturgica Horarum have been for repairs at The Book Doctor (who deserve their own review for their excellent restoration of old books), I have used several digital editions of the office. All of these have their strengths and limitations. Universalis is good but many choices in the office are made for you. For example, if you want to use the hymns from the Common in the sanctoral cycle on memorials and optional memorials, there is no access to the Common. The Liturgica Horarum app by Rafael Cereceda solves this problem but requires a considerable amount of navigating to get the elements of the office that you want. The best and most efficient program I have found is the Libreria Editrice Vaticana digital edition: First of all this is a complete reproduction of the printed edition, you have in your hands what you have in your hands when you read the printed editions. To this is added a sidebar which easily allows you to navigate between the Proper of Time, the Sanctoral Cycle, the Commons, and the Psalter. Also the General Instruction of the Liturgy is available to answer most questions you might have about the rubrics. Yes, there is a certain amount of turning pages to get to what you need but this is even more true with the printed edition. The text is readable and clear. Finally I must say that the price is right: 11,50 euros: currently 1 euro = $1.09. Even if you have the printed edition, this digital format is indispensable, when you are traveling or when you are praying in your parish church and do not want to lug along a book, e.g. at a Holy Hour. In my opinion, by the way, if you want to improve your liturgical Latin, it is much better not to have the vernacular next to the Latin text. (Rev. David Allen)

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"These eBook versions of the Liturgia Horarum are a wonderful resource and blessing for anyone who wishes to pray all or a part of the Liturgy of the Hours and to incorporate in their prayer some of the Latin texts of this great prayer of the Church. The eBooks are very attractively produced and priced and represent excellent value for money. They look beautiful when being used and mirror faithfully the layout of the hard copy volumes (but with no fear of the paper fading or tearing!). I know you can get various apps that will offer you the Latin and vernacular text of the Liturgy of the Hours, but there is something special and very satisfying about being able to search out – with very little difficulty because of the well thought out hyperlinking – the relevant parts of the book yourself, instead of just having the day's office automatically put together for you by the app(with hopefully no mistakes or oddities). I am so glad to have chanced to come across Breviario Digitale and been able to buy Tomo II and Tomo III. I look forward to adding Tomo IV and Tomo I to my collections, as the Church's year/s progress. With its attractive pricing, beautiful and simple production and great ease of use, this resource really should be very much more widely known!"
Michael Scargill

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"I would like to thank you for the latin Breviary. It is really comfortable in use; exactly what I needed and done better that I expected."
Mateusz Ciesiółka

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"Ho acquistato il Compendio e il Catechismo. ho il lettore e-reader Kobo e si legge bene. ho provato a caricare i 2 e-book anche sul mio cellulare Samsung Android... e devo dire che non e' male nemmeno li' la visualizzazione della pagina. sono molto contento dell'acquisto."

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